By Kiron.
Growing up in the hinterlands of Eastern India - I heard one priest casually mention to a crowd that we all must aim to live a fuller life.
From my early teens till date that has become a resounding mantra in my life.
Even though at that particular moment and phase of life I was not even sure what it encompasses!
However, at every growing year of my life I wanted and strived to become a better human being. Probably that desire inculcated a lot of habits in my day to day life that have individually become buzzwords today. The habit of punctuality led to better time management and that led to getting all things organized.
I had no desire to change the world but I wanted it to be a better and loving place to live. Could I lead a fuller life if all around me enjoyed their incomplete artificial life?! Yes-I wanted to become the lotus in a mud pool, which is so pure that it gets offered to God…
It made me take action on every thought that I felt that can be executed. Being positive and mindful of all that was happening made me rooted. I lived a life of values, ethics and integrity. I am happy with the world & nature as it is and I pushed myself to a near zero ego state!
Thus, my philosophy is simple and practical. It operates at grassroots levels. Keep your life simple and you will have a fuller life. It will make you a 'complete’ person.
Kiron Shenoy is a happy man. He's here to share his stories. Email him at to tell him what you think.